Threads Dr.Laskovets

My name is Laskovets Elena Sergeevna. On the page “About the doctor” you can learn more about me

Due to my vast experience with threading, I identified all the flaws and developed a new generation of threads under the Dr.Laskovets brand. I have changed the cannulas, the configuration of the notches, the size and diameter of the threads

Threads Dr.Laskovets for a facelift

less traumatic and accompanied by a faster rehabilitation period
are made of safe surgical material PDO and are completely resorbable
Due to the special configuration of the molded thread protrusions threads Dr.Laskovets:
securely anchored in the deep layers and hold heavy facial tissues, providing an effective lift
impossible to break
I have developed my own author's technique of thread placement:
with easier rehabilitation
with long-term effects due to the individualized approach to the choice of thread configurations for each patient
Photo of the patent and its number
For training in thread lifting on Dr. Laskovets threads
or training in thread lifting on Dr. Laskovets threads
9 сС, Большие Каменщики Street, Moscow
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Dubai, Healthcare city, Building 27, block B, StyleAge Clinik
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License LO-77-01-021434 dated September 02, 2021 Issued by: Moscow City Health Department License LO41-01137-77/00327215 dated September 02, 2021 Issued by: Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare
Legal address: LLC "TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION CENTER FOR CHILDREN'S HELP "ДОБРО РЯДОМ" Moscow, inner territory of the city Mozhaisky Municipal District, Gorbunov Street, 1 INN/KPP 9729308047/773101001 OGRN 1217700209187
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